Dear Parent/Carers,

I hope that this email finds you well and that you are also eagerly awaiting the lifting of the restrictions that we have all been in, due to COVID-19.

I write to you with some good news in that all pupils at WSAPC will be able to attend their respective places of learning from Monday 8th of March.  Your centre leaders will be in touch with you to confirm the arrangements for your child during the course of the week,  but I just wanted to say that we are really looking forward to getting back to having all our pupils in school on the 8th of March and return to the routine that we all yearn for.

School will be compulsory for all pupils at WSAPC and the government expects children to attend school on this date.

We continue to operate under the COVID Safe Guidelines, and we know our school is safe.   Information about the adaptions and risk management processes are available on our website HERE.

Please support us in keeping our school safe and remember that If your child/ren has tested positive for COVID-19, has symptoms of CoVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who tests positive, then please follow guidance from the NHS and contact the / call your centre main office to inform them.  If you are unsure,  your centre office can help you.

The Government recently announced the widening of the Critically Extremely Vulnerable Groups.   If your child now falls into to this group (you will know as will have received a letter from the NHS), please contact your centre to discuss with them.  Full time on-line learning for them will be put in place.  Please refer to our Remote Learning offer for details on what you can expect.  The Guidance can be accessed HERE.

The remote learning offer will extend to any children needing to self-isolate, for the duration of self-isolation period if they are well enough to learn.  The Guidance can be accessed HERE.

I’m sure that you are all aware of the testing programmes being used in schools.  Our pupils and staff who have been attending centre throughout the lockdown and will know that the testing ( lateral flow testing) at our centres has been a great success and something that we are very proud of at WSAPC!  It provides a real sense of safety and assurance to our school’s community and the vast majority of children that have attended see this as a routine and part of the school day.

I can assure you that we will continue to test our secondary-age children ( and staff) on a regular basis and that we will follow our COVID-19 risk assessment rigorously so that your child is being taught in a safe environment.

Please follow the link provided here to give consent for testing (secondary- age pupils only).

Face Coverings for year 7 and above is mandatory on public transport, including taxi’s and encouraged when in school unless when eating or exercising.  Please ensure that you your child/ren has access to face coverings for use when attending school.

School will provide hand sanitiser to all pupils so you do not need to provide this for your child.

If there are any questions or queries regarding the opening of school, please do not hesitate to ask your centre contacts.  We are here to help and support and to make this a smooth transition from lockdown as possible.

Warm regards

Doug Thomas

Head Teacher