Centre Overviews

Burgess Hill Centre

Head of School: James Walters
At Burgess Hill we cater for pupils from Reception and KS1 through to KS4. Our pupils are supported, challenged and motivated to succeed and to achieve nationally recognized accreditation.

Chichester Centre

Head of School: Alex Jones
Our small but nurturing provision is situated on the outskirts of Chichester but is easily accessible by public transport.  We cater for Reception, KS1 and KS2 pupils. All our students can expect a range of opportunities which serve to build up attainment, confidence and meet individual need.

Crawley Centre

Acting Head of School: Kate Goater
Our provision is on the outskirts of Crawley in a building that has been educating young people since 1852. We have a diverse community of learners from KS3 to KS4, and our staff aims to support everyone to fulfil their potential.

Lancing Centre

Head of School: Anthony Carlo
Our learners range from Reception and KS1 through to KS4. They take part in a range of activities to enhance their learning, and they are supported, challenged and encouraged to succeed, both academically and pastorally.

Littlehampton Centre

Head of School: Alex Jones 
We are based in the centre of Littlehampton and cater for students across the locality. We give every child an opportunity to re-engage and enjoy the core curriculum as well as other activities. We support students who range from KS3 to KS4.

Worthing Centre

Head of School: Anthony Carlo
Our purpose built centre provides a range of educational opportunities for KS3 and KS4 students. Pupils are encouraged to achieve as many nationally recognized qualifications as possible in addition to participating in wider learning opportunities.

Blended Learning Team

Head of School: Cathryn Wise
Blended Learning offers a 21st century approach for pupils unable to access mainstream education. We provide a full-time equivalent education for each pupil, subject to their medical situation, through a personalised programme of study.







Springtide Centre

Head of School: Cathryn Wise
Springtide is a day service for young people between the ages of 11 and 18 who have eating disorders. The Centre provides education for those who are attending Springtide as day-patients and has a capacity of 10 places.

Inclusion Team

Head of School: Sam Channon

We provide a service to support young people in mainstream schools, who have been identified as being at risk of permanent exclusion. The team is made up of skilled Inclusion Assistants with backgrounds in APC centres, mainstreams, and specialist settings. Our role involves gaining school, parent and pupil voice and planning targeted be-spoke individual interventions/advice to impact change and enhance multi-agency working. Schools refer to the Outreach Team using the Alternative Provision or Inclusion Support Referral – West Sussex Dashboard (achieveservice.com).

Engagement with other services is encouraged prior to referral as per the graduated approach and Assess Plan Do Review process. WSAPC Outreach is a holistic service and support, and permission of the parent is important in reaching successful outcomes.

Chalkhill Centre

Head of School: Cathryn Wise
Chalkhill is a hospital for young people between the ages of 11 and 18 who have complex emotional, behavioural and mental health problems. The Education Centre provides full-time education for those who are attending Chalkhill as in-patients and day-patients and offers outreach assessment and support to schools.