School Information

Click a tab below for information on Exams, OFSTED, Policies and Pupil and Sports Premium
Assessment and Reporting

Pupils are assessed regularly in class using a variety of methods in order to capture progress and support understanding. Work is marked regularly and pupils are informed what they have done well and what they need to do in order to improve. Pupils are also encouraged to self-evaluate and are given opportunity to assess their peers against clear success criteria.

The new national curriculum no longer uses levels for assessing progress. At the West Sussex Alternative Provision College we assess the progress of our KS3 and KS4 pupils towards an aspirational GCSE grade of 1 – 9.

All primary and secondary pupils receive termly reports that show their target and whether they are working below their target, are on track to meet that target or are working at a greater depth towards achieving that target and so may achieve higher than their target.

Each term teachers comment on the skills that pupils have developed successfully in their subject and a skill to develop in the following term. The national curriculum and exam board specifications are broken down into skills for each subject and when a pupil starts using that skill they are considered to be emerging in their ability to demonstrate that skill. The next step is to develop that skill until they are secure in its use and through classwork and assessment they will eventually master that skill and be ready to move on to the next one.

This means pupils’ learning at the West Sussex Alternative Provision College can be highly personalised, as teaching and learning is focused on developing skills at the pace and level suitable for their ability with appropriate support and challenge in place.

Teachers will always be happy to discuss progress if there are any questions or concerns on a day-to-day basis and parent/carer attendance at our termly review days offers the essential opportunity to speak to tutors for an overview of how individual pupils are progressing at WSAPC.


 Careers Provision at WSAPC

WSAPC recognises its statutory duty to provide impartial and confidential careers education to all our students in Years 7 to 11 and to give students access to careers information, advice, and guidance.

We value the importance of careers education and guidance to support our students in realising their potential and the routes that they can take after their GCSE’s.  We aim to broaden horizons, raise aspirations, and help students to make the most of a range of opportunities on offer during their time at WSAPC.

Points to note:

  • This programme of careers education is designed to gradually develop as each student progresses through the school.
  • All aspects of the Careers Programme, in whichever way it is delivered, actively seeks to both challenge stereotypical thinking and raise aspirations.
  • The advice is tailored to the needs and interests of each student, with reasonable adjustments in timings, support provided, and methods of advice given for students classified as SEND or from low income backgrounds so that the barriers to benefitting from the programme are recognised and addressed.

Working alongside “Coast to Capital – Local Enterprise Partnership”, we aim to help students to:

  • Develop knowledge about the changing nature of the world of work and the jobs market.
  • Understand the range of Post-16 learning opportunities locally and nationally
  • Recognise individual strengths and interests.
  • Develop their career management and employability skills.

Meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks

The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance (For more information about the 8 Gatsby benchmarks, please visit

1. Learning from career and labour market information
2. A stable careers programme
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance

Students are entitled to:

  • Access to qualified professionals and careers software
  • Tutor mentors
  • Guidance on interview techniques
  • Targeted interventions to meet individual needs
  • External visits to Further and Higher Education and Apprenticeship establishments to raise awareness and build confidence.

At WSAPC, the careers education programme begins in Key stage 3 and continues to the end of Year 11 when there is a high level of guidance to enable smooth transition to the students’ chosen Post 16 destination.

Key Stage 3 Provision

Depending on when students join WSAPC, students will:

  • Understand why leaving school with qualifications is important.
  • Know the differences between A Levels, BTECs, Vocational Qualifications and Apprenticeships.
  • Investigate possible career routes.
  • Be offered opportunities to visit workplaces – (supervised work shadowing)
  • Be able to match skills and qualities with suitable occupations.
  • Be involved in an Enterprise Project.
  • Know the local Post 16 opportunities available to them.
  • Understand how to create their own CV.

Year 10 Provision

Students will:

  • Have access to a work experience placement and, if appropriate, have first- hand experience of the world of work
  • Engage in enrichment days, assemblies and workshops that specifically focus on employability skills such as interview techniques, creating CVs and meeting employers from a range of disciplines or businesses.
  • Be offered opportunities to visit workplaces – (supervised work shadowing)
  • Be involved in an Enterprise Project
  • Visit a range of local Post-16 providers on “Taster” Days to inspire and motivate students to consider higher education
  • Have an initial one to one meeting with their Tutor Mentor to allow a more personalised approach to assisting them with their future aspirations when entering Year 11

Year 11 Provision

Students will:

  • Meet with external providers at “Career Speed Dating Days”, allowing them to speak with a range of professionals, building their confidence and enabling them to make informed choices.
  • Have access to a work experience placement and, if appropriate, have first- hand experience of the world of work
  • Be offered opportunities to visit workplaces – (supervised work shadowing)
  • Engage in enrichment days, assemblies and workshops that specifically focus on employability skills such as interview techniques, creating CVs and meeting employers from a range of disciplines or businesses.
  • Be involved in an Enterprise Project
  • Have at least 2 intensive 1:1 meetings with their Tutor Mentor to consider various post 16 options available to them; more appointments will be put in place for students with medical or SEND needs
  • Attend careers conventions wherever available.
  • Be informed of local college Open Evenings/Days and be supported by WSAPC staff where required.
  • Access bespoke assemblies/enrichment sessions and presentations with outside speakers

Update and Addition – July 2023 – in response to ‘Student Voice’

  • Our Career Education focus will be on the eight Essential Skills – Listening, Speaking, Problem Solving, Creativity, Leadership, Teamwork, Aiming High and Staying Positive. These are skills that are expected in the workplace that all students at WSAPC can build upon during their time here using the Skills Builder programme

Our key aim is to ensure that careers education is impartial, promotes equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion and is differentiated to meet the specific needs of each individual student.  The guidance aims to provide current and relevant information to promote self-awareness, personal development and aims to provide our young people with the tools to make informed choices about their future.


Our teaching staff have an active interest in getting the very best from our pupils and inspiring them to achieve in whatever they do when they leave WSAPC. Our teachers are keen to promote the variety of careers and opportunities available within their own subject areas.

Teachers can enhance careers activity through their subjects in a variety of ways – such as guest speakers in school, subject-focused careers trips, and employer-led careers lessons, with employers helping to deliver aspects of the curriculum.

Opportunities for Access 

We recognise the value and importance of external influences on assisting our students to make realistic and informed choices on their careers and future plans leaving school. We are very keen to build links with our partners in Post-16 education, employment and training. As well as our internal careers programme, we welcome the significant experience, skills and knowledge that our network of local colleges, employers, universities and training providers can bring to our Careers Education Programme at WSAPC.

There are a variety of opportunities for external partners to support our Careers Education Programme at school including:

  • Careers assemblies & talks
  • Careers Workshops
  • Mock Interviews
  • Work Experience & Volunteering
  • Careers Fairs
  • Mentoring
  • Off-site visits

Above are all examples of careers led activities we have had in school, but we are always open to develop any opportunities to inspire and encourage our pupils.

Any external partners such as employers, colleges, universities or training providers that are interested in supporting our pupils through our Careers Education Programme should make this request through our Careers Leader Sue Daniel by email:

Visitors to school, working with our pupils for careers related activities – individual or groups – will be expected to follow our procedures for safeguarding, as outlined in our school Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. For any career activities taking place in school, we will do our best to accommodate requests regarding rooming and facilities such as ICT and technology as required.

We also welcome any literature regarding courses, activities or opportunities – such as leaflets, prospectuses, posters – which can be made available to our students.  Literature can be emailed for the attention of the Careers Lead to  Alternatively, please refer to our Contact page for the location of individual centres where literature can be handed to reception for the attention of the PSHE Teacher.


Do you work in a business or know of anyone that could help provide work experience or opportunities for our students?

We welcome the involvement and support of parents & carers within careers education and guidance.  We are always looking for local businesses that are wanting to inspire and educate our students about the world of work and expand and develop our Career Education Programme.  If you think you could help to provide invaluable work experience or opportunities that give students the chance to develop core skills and motivation, in the first instance, please contact Sue Daniel by email


Measuring the success of our Careers Programme

Careers activity needs to be relevant and inspirational for our students. We measure and assess the impact of our careers programme through a variety of ways such as:

Careers and Enterprise Company’s Compass Tool

This is a tool for schools and colleges in England that quickly and easily helps us to evaluate our careers activity against the Eight Gatsby Benchmarks.  This means that we are constantly comparing what we do against the best national practice.  The tool was built in partnership with the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, to help us to easily discover our strengths and find areas for improvement. Once completed, the tool provides us with a confidential report and ideas to help you achieve the best for our students in relation to each benchmark.

Y11 Destination Figures

We track our Y11 school leavers each summer to confirm post-16 plans, and we strive to support all our students into a positive activity. We aim to have as few ‘NEET’ (not in education, employment or training) destinations as possible, and strongly encourage all students to be engaged in education or further training. A strong investment in our careers programme will reflect in our positive destination figures. Please see Leaver Data 2013 – 2023 which details our pupils’ destinations year on year.

Event feedback 

After each careers event we ask our students to feedback on the activity to find out what went well, what the students enjoyed and what they didn’t. We also ask this of our teaching staff and of our visitors to make sure events are as successful as possible and improvements can be made.

Student Voice

We encourage ongoing input from our students and welcome careers feedback through our student voice.

Careers work is constantly being promoted and relies on the teaching staff to be implemented successfully. A report is submitted to the senior leadership team and governors.

Careers-Alumni Success Stories

WSAPC Alumni – Their SUCCESS

Staff at WSAPC are committed to embedding a positive outlook in all of our students, past and present – we remind them that what they leave school with will not define their future.  Life throws us curveballs that will change our outlook and ultimately our futures.

We are happy to share our own career journeys with our students to both inspire and raise their aspirations, allowing them to see that the path taken at the end of their time in compulsory education is not necessarily the same path on which they will remain.

WSAPC encourage our alumni to keep in touch, to return to school, to share their experiences, their journeys in Further Education and ultimately the world of work.  Their visits are most welcomed by the staff who taught them and they prove to be positive experiences for our current students – being able to relate to someone who has been in the same position as they are currently in is invaluable to them as they not only hear about success but they can also see it!

WSAPC Mission Statement.

“The APC aims to provide a caring and positive environment where all are valued and supported through a personalised curriculum which challenges and inspires individuals to achieve their potential.”

Barriers to our student’s learning have included emotional trauma, anxiety, mental health, physical disability, learning difficulties, having a role in their home life as a “Young Carer” and medical conditions that prevent them from attending school.  All of these contribute to their overall approach to education, meaning they are unable to cope in a mainstream setting which results in their ability to have the confidence to fully achieve what they are capable of.

“At WSAPC, we do not have a “them and us”.  We have an us! Our staff are dedicated to lead our students in an empathetic way in order to guide our pupils to make informed and positive decisions.  We are dedicated to work in an environment that promotes inclusion, equality and fairness and encourage our students to make positive changes for themselves, for their school community and for society.”

With that said……..we are both happy and extremely proud to be able to share some of our Alumni’s success stories. Their success is testament to the WSAPC Mission Statement.

(* The success stories have been anonymised – GDPR Compliance)


Alternative Provision to UNIVERSITY

Joined WSAPC midway through Year 10 and left with 8 GCSE’s, 7 of which are Grade 4 and above.  Currently studying Engineering A Levels at a Further Education College and is completing the UCAS application and personal statement to apply to university to study a degree in Engineering.

Alternative Provision to A LEVELS to ACCOUNTANCY

Being unable to make it work in a mainstream setting, the small group environment of WSAPC made it possible for them to achieve the required GCSEs, allowing them to study the A Levels required to achieve their career goal of becoming an Accountant.


Ground Works/Night School to FIREFIGHTER

Left WSAPC with one Level 2 qualification.  Attended college but was unable to remain as could not engage in the required Maths and English. Took a role as Ground Work Labourer.  Using initiative, made contact with the WSAPC centre that was attended asking for advice on how to achieve Maths and English qualifications.  Attended night school and passed both qualifications.  These were used to apply for the position of a Firefighter – after a successful training period, now fighting fires and keeping the community safe in all areas of Fire Safety.


Nursery Nurse Assistant to NURSERY NURSE MANAGER

Encouraged to apply for the Apprenticeship whilst at WSAPC.  Using experiences in home life, looking after younger siblings in the interview, resulted in success.  Regular attendance to college achieving the Level 3 Diploma in Childcare led them on to further qualifications in Childcare Management.  Remained at the nursery and progressed to Room Manager.  On seeing an opportunity of an empty building next to the nursery, produced a business plan for the owner and now manages the newly acquired building.

School Refuser to Work Experience to Apprenticeship to QUALIFIED BUTCHER

Initially refused to attend school, staff took time to find a solution that worked for both resulting in a long term two-day work experience at a local Butcher.  At the end of Year 11, an apprenticeship was offered by the work placement.  By offering an alternative, WSAPC built their confidence which progressed to re-engagement in education but in a workplace setting.  The assessor attended the workplace and the qualification was achieved – a fully qualified butcher.


College Student to BRICK LAYER

Achieved 5 GCSE’s including Maths and English at Grade 4.  Due to a physical disability and high levels of anxiety, there were concerns over the chosen college course – bricklaying. Although this was a passion of theirs, there were doubts and anxieties around success in this area.  Staff encouragement and support to both the student and the family and with taster sessions arranged at the college, they felt comfortable enough that needs would be met and the decision was made to take the course.  Through determination and an extra year of study, the qualification was achieved and they are now a qualified bricklayer for a local building company.

 College Student to SMALL BUSINESS – Photography

Struggles with academic subjects led to dis-engagement in education.  Discussions with staff at WSPAC soon revealed a passion for Photography, a GCSE was offered alongside the study of the Art GCSE. Members of staff were happy to be photographed with their families to help build a portfolio for the coursework content of the GCSE.  Achievement in both of these GCSE’s were at a Grade A and they went on to study Photography at college.  They now run a successful small business in this area covering weddings and baby and toddler photography.



An academic student but due to past emotional experiences, struggled to engage fully in education.  A real passion for the Armed Forces was evident as they were dedicated to the Army Cadets as an interest outside of school and achieved well in this area.  WSAPC staff contacted the Army Recruitment and arranged for a recruitment officer to attend the centre, giving advice about the different careers within the Armed Forces that could be accessed.  Achievement in GCSEs was not as good as it could have been but this did not stop them achieving their dream of becoming a Royal Marine.  Having passed the arduous tests involved at the assessment centre at the highest possible grade, rejection came as a result of being too light and having a broken nose.  This did not stop them, they persevered with their dream and looked at other opportunities in the Armed Forces. In January 2020, they started training in the Parachute Regiment as a Paratrooper.

Careers-Employer Engagement

New- Howie’s Social Enterprise Project: Build your own barista business- Report 

WSAPC were delighted to be supported by The STEM Hub Central South & South East as part of Engineering UK’s Big Bang at Schools programme, aimed at young people aged 11-14 years to run a drone themed morning event on 13 July 2023.

Drone experts TDR engaged with the students from WSAPC providing first-hand experience of how drones work and the different uses for them in the world we live in today.

The sessions commenced with an introduction from TDR about their background stories and how some of those related to experiences of their audience, this was a great ice breaker. The students learnt about the foundations of how a drone works, the use of drones within our society and how effective they are within a wide range of industries. The students were advised about the importance of learning the functions of a drone to enable them to think about achievable career routes for the future.

The students also had the opportunity to operate and fly a drone themselves, providing a sense of pride and satisfaction. The session ended with lots of questions from eager students wanting to learn more about the future of drone technology.

Daniel Andrews, Programmes Coordinator & Director, TDR said: “The students responded positively and expressed how much they had learnt from the session. I sensed real passion in their understanding of drone functions. They thoroughly enjoyed flying the drones and there was an increased level of fascination towards seeing the drone take off from the ground and maneuver in mid-air. The students gained confidence as they practiced, and they also gained a high level of focus as they really got into it.”

WSAPC were grateful to everyone who helped make the event a huge success for the students who were very appreciative and engaged extremely well with TDR.

(Images supplied by @TDR)


Big Bang at West Sussex Alternative Provision College, Burgess Hill ( 


Barista training with Roasted Ltd.

Aims of the sessions: To provide our young people with opportunities to experience the skills required to be a barista; specifically, how to make smooth coffee blends, explore the various sensory experiences gained from different blends of coffee, milk texturing and some latte art.

Details: Students from Crawley, Lancing, Burgess Hill and Littlehampton had the opportunity to spend time with the trainers from Roasted (Max and Luke) to learn how to make an espresso. They were also taught how to ‘dial in’ with the coffee grinder, to ensure that their coffee had the right finish and wasn’t sour and learnt about the different flavour finishes of the coffee blend and how to best describe it. Finally, the students were taught, and had experience of, how to correctly steam milk and create some latte art designs on their coffees.



Both staff and students thoroughly enjoyed this experience and are enthused to do more. This training has opened the student’s perspective on the potential employment opportunities available for them, and we aim to encourage this further by providing an extra session to those who demonstrated a particular interest or aptitude in the barista session to further develop their skills and confidence.
Feedback from our trainers: “Firstly, Max and I would like to say how great all the young people and staff have been who came for training with us, we’d happily have them back anytime. The students were always asking questions, were very keen to jump straight into practical work and were fantastic characters. We all had lots of laughs!

Feedback from our staff: “Just wanted to let you know we had a great session at Roasted yesterday with 2 of our pupils. The trainers were fantastic and the set up brilliant. The two pupils really engaged and enjoyed it and lasted the whole 3 hours!! A great opportunity for them and a fabulous day” and “Sue!!
That was FANTASTIC!!!! The pupils loved it. They engaged for the whole time and genuinely feel like they’ve learnt a skill. Thanks for organising that for us.” Burgess Hill staff

We have since been able to offer 2 development sessions to the students at Lancing and Littlehampton, where the students were able to develop both their knowledge and skills about the coffee bean. During this development session they learnt about growing coffee beans, ethical sourcing and blending of the beans and, as is clear within the pictures taken, they made a beautiful latte with an incredibly skilled hand.

Thank you to Richard and his team from Roasted for this invaluable opportunity and we look forward to working together soon.


COVID-19 Catch Up Premium
The APC aims to provide a caring and positive environment where all are valued and supported through a personalised curriculum which challenges and inspires individuals to achieve their potential.

A  ‘Pathways Model has recently been developed to support the assess, plan, do, review approach (SEND code of practice).  This support will build on the good practice of the Inclusion Team which currently provides outreach support to mainstream schools.  ‘Inclusion Plus’ will be inwardly facing, providing advice, guidance and support for pupils in APC centres.  This will be achieved by

  •     Identifying, exploring and further developing internal strategies to support the young people within APC centres
  •     Promoting a multi-agency approach which looks at the young person holistically.
  •     Providing additional in class expertise and direct support for young people through the deployment of Inclusion Assistants who can provide 1:1 or small group intervention and where necessary, in class support.
  •     Supporting, identifying and developing bespoke curriculum packages that engage young people.

The resource required to implement Inclusion Plus has been made possible through Covid Catch up funding.  The resource currently includes 2 Higher Level Teaching Assistants, 0.4 Inclusion Advisor and Leadership time.  However it is hoped that the Pathway Model will provide sustainability beyond the funding limitations.

Click here to see our Inclusion Plus Impact Review document.

COVID-19 Catch Up Premium At Chalkhill Hospital School
The covid-19 pandemic 2020/2021 has had a significant impact on all young people and Chalkhill Education Centre plays a pivotal role for those who have been most affected, providing education for anyone admitted for inpatient psychiatric care. We are finding that, increasingly, those students are now presenting with issues caused by or exacerbated by the Covid-19 lockdowns. To help us support those young people, the Department for Education has provided an additional £5040 to assist us in supporting those young people to recover from the pandemic.

The cohort at Chalkhill, unlike most schools, is particularly transient. We have therefore decided to use this funding to up-skill out staff to ensure that whatever time the students spend with us, we are maximizing our impact. To do this, we will invest in a package of training that will improve our staff’s ability to support students through Trauma Informed Practice.

The proposed plan is for all staff to get whole-school trauma informed practice training, in person, during an INSET day in September 2021, which will provide the foundation for us to develop practice and whole-school approaches, to be trauma informed. This will then be supplemented with some online webinars throughout the year targeting some specific issues affecting our cohort. In addition, leaders at Chalkhill will go on courses to become Designated Mental Health Leaders, which will teach them about how to support and deliver whole-school systems and approaches. Once the training is complete, and the school has developed its provision to be trauma informed, we will receive a visit from Trauma Informed Schools UK, who will inspect our practice, and if it is up to scratch, will award us the official designation, and plaque to certify us, a ‘Trauma Informed Schools’.

This proposal not only supports Chalkhill to deliver on aspects of the school’s development plan, but it has the added cost-effective benefit being able to share aspects of the training with other centres and leaders in WSAPC, and to help the school meet forthcoming requirements to have designated mental health leads in schools from September 2021.

Data Protection

The new data Privacy law (GPPR) came into force in May 2018 and we have reviewed our internal processes and policies to safeguard our data and ensure compliance with the new regulations.

Our Data Protection Officer is Judicium Education. Click to read our Privacy Notice Pupil Aug 23 and Data Protection Policy July 2023. These documents explain what data we collect, hold and share and the reasons for this. Please take a few minutes to read and understand and should you have any queries please contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing .

Please click here to submit a Subject Access Request.

Please click here to submit a Freedom Of Information Request.

Exam Results

Key Stage Four Exams

Summary of Year 11 Attainment Outcomes 2022-23

Exam Outcomes 2022_2023

Note: Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Key Stage 4 Performance Tables

Click here to view the Government Performance Tables website. Please note that West Sussex Alternative Provision College is a school type which does not appear in this publication.

In 2022/2023 the National Average Attainment 8 score for Alternative Provisions was 6. The total for the South East was 5.1 and that for West Sussex was 4.6. The table below shows West Sussex Attainment 8 performance compared with our neighbouring authorities. Data extracted from the Government’s Key Stage 4 Performance Data website.

Country Region Local Authority Establishment Total Schools Total Pupils Total Attainment 8 Average Attainment 8
England Alternative provision 401 7557 45534.25 6
South East Alternative provision 52 775 3947 5.1
Brighton and Hove Alternative provision 2 60 502.25 8.4
Hampshire Alternative provision 8 83 416.5 5
West Sussex Alternative provision 2 88 407.75 4.6
Southampton Alternative provision 2 25 100 4
Surrey Alternative provision 7 121 410.5 3.4
East Sussex Alternative provision 3 22 70 3.2
Kent Alternative provision 3 92 230.75 2.5
Isle of Wight Alternative provision 2 14 16 1.1
Portsmouth Alternative provision 1 1 0 0

Key Stage Two Tests

The number of pupils taking the tests at WSAPC each year is very small, therefore we do not publish results or data.  Schools and academies are advised not to publish performance data about groups of around 10 pupils or fewer.



Governors' Reports

Please click to view and download our latest Governors’ Reports.

WSAPC Full Governing Body Meetings Schedule.2022-23

Governors’ Report 6th July 2022 draft
Governors’ Report 18th May 2022
Governors’ Report 30th March 2022
Governors’ Report 6th December 2021
Governors’ Report 20th September 2021
Governors’ Report 7th July 2021
Governors’ Report 19th May 2021
Governors’ Report 2nd December 2020
Governors’ Report 21st October 2020
Governors’ Report 2nd September 2020
Governors’ Report 7th July 2020
Governors’ Report 20th May 2020
Governors’ Report 2nd December 2019
Governors’ Report 21st October 2019
Governors’ Report 3rd July 2019
Governors’ Report 21st May 2019
Governors’ Report 25th March 2019
Governors Report 21st November 2018
Governors’ Report 2nd July 2018
Governors’ Report 16th May 2018
Governors’ Report 19th March 2018
Governors’ Report 22nd November 2017
Governors’ Report 20th September 2017
Governors’ Report 3rd July 2017
Governors’ Report 17th May 2017
Governors’ Report 27th March 2017
Governors’ Extra Report 15th February 2017
Governors’ Report 23rd November 2016
Governors’ Report 19th September 2016
Governors’ Report 27th June 2016
Governors’ Report 21st March 2016
Governors’ Report 23rd November 2015
Governors’ Report 21st September 2015
Governors’ Report 16th March 2015
Governors’ Report 19th November 2014
Governors’ Report 16th July 2014
Governors’ Report 12th February 2014
Governors’ Report 11th December 2013
Governors’ Report 22nd October 2013


We are fully insured for public liability as part of West Sussex County Council’s umbrella policy. We are also covered for off-site activities, including personal accident and travel. See below for details:

Employers’ Liability Certificate 2024-25

Motor Insurance Certificate – Minibuses 2023-24

Motor  Insurance Certificate – Minibuses 2024-25

We have various facilities at our sites across the County, which are available to hire at reasonable rates. Please direct your enquiry to and we will try to accommodate you.
Policies and Procedures

WSAPC has adopted all WSCC model policies for schools. Please click to view and download our Policies and Procedures, or contact the school office to obtain a hard copy from us.

Accessibility Policy
Administering Medicines Policy Apr 2023
Adverse Weather Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy December 2024
Attendance Policy Sept 2023
Behaviour and Suspension Policy March 24
Careers Provision at WSAPC 2024
CCTV Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy Feb 22
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Sept 23 and Safeguarding Handbook 2023
Children Looked After Policy
Community Cohesion Policy
Complaints Policy
Confidential Reporting Policy-Dec 24
Data Protection Policy July 2023
Equality Statement and Objectives October 2022
Examinations Access Arrangements Policy 2023-24
Examinations Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023-24
Examinations Complaints Policy 2023-24 (done)
Exam Contingency Plan 2023-24
Exams Data Protection Policy 2023-24
Exams Emergency Evacuation Policy 2023-24
Exam Emergency Evacuation Procedure 2023-24
Exams Escalation Procedure 2023-24
Exams Internal Appeals Procedure 2023-24
Examination Malpractice Policy 2023-2024
Exams Non-Examination Assessment Policy 2023-24
Exams Special Consideration Policy 2023-24
Exams Summary for Staff 2023-24
Exams Word Processer Policy – 2023-24
Freedom of Information Policy May 23
Health and Safety Policy May 23
Local Offer 
Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy
Offsite Educational Visits Policy Oct 23
Online Safety Policy Jan 24
Positive Handling Policy December 2024
Positive Handling Policy- Letter of Instruction
Privacy Notice Pupil Aug 23
Privacy Notice Staff Aug 23
Provider Access Policy
Pupil Premium Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Safer Recruiting Policy – Mar 23
School Visitor Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy Jan 2024
SEN Information Report July 2023
Teaching and Learning Policy 2021
Work Experience Policy 2024
WSAPC Vision and Ethos

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is additional finance given to publicly funded schools in England, targeted specifically to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils to close the gap between them and their peers. The funding is allocated to educational establishments on the basis of children registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years, and for children who have been registered as being in care for 6 months or longer, or were adopted from care.

Objectives for 2024/2025

The total projected Pupil Premium Funding allocation for 2024/2025 is £131,332.
The focus of our spend this academic year remains raising academic progress across the core subjects and targeted support to improve attendance and engagement by:

  • SEND/SEMH Interventions- specialist HLTA Intervention and SEMH support
  • Assistant Psychologist support to increase engagement of pupil premium students
  • counselling-  this is to be offered across all sites with counsellors engaging with PP students in centre on a weekly basis.
  • cook and eat- to continue to ensure all pupils receive a healthy, well-balanced meal each day and develop the community of the centre through communal eating. Pupils plan and cook food for all to eat developing their cooking and independent living skills as well as benefiting the school community. The young people are involved in every aspect from planning and preparation to cooking and serving of the meal. Students work towards accreditation in the subject

Pupil Premium Report for 2023/2024 and Strategy for 2024/2025

Details for the 2023/2024 academic year, and strategy 2024/2025, are published here.



At WSAPC, we recognise that it is our statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of our students and that they have a fundamental right to be protected from harm.  Click here to access our AP Risk Assessment Sept-2024 which has been completed to help us ensure this remains a key priority.

Although the school is not an investigative agency, we have an important role in all aspects of the welfare of our students. With our day-to-day contact with our young people during school term time we are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour and signs of failure to thrive.

We are committed to safe recruitment and selection procedures to ensure that all staff and volunteers have been appropriately screened prior to appointment, and to the provision of appropriate child protection training through the staff induction programme and within continuing professional development opportunities. We are committed to regular training in this important area.

Our full Safeguarding Statement and Child Protection Policy is available under the policy section. We are committed to implementing this Policy, which follows the guidelines of the Local Safeguarding Children Boards of Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex.

Please note that under GDPR, the new data protection regulations which came into force on 25th May 2018, our Data Protection Officer is Judicium. Please email any data protection queries or concerns to

Other policies and useful links are listed below:

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Sept 23

Data Protection Policy July 2023

Government publications on keeping children safe in education

Privacy Notice Pupil Aug 23

Safeguarding Handbook 2023

WSAPC DBS Confirmation

AP Risk Assessment-Sept-2024



 Designated Members of Staff for Safeguarding Children

WSAPC has several Designated Teachers for Child Protection. They are available to provide advice, guidance and make decisions in respect of any child protection concerns.

23-506x476 Doug Thomas – Head Teacher


Jemma Lyons – Director of Learning and Crawley


James Walters James Walters- Burgess Hill


Alex Jones Alex Jones- Littlehampton



 Anthony Carlo- Lancing and Worthing

E- Safety

WSAPC’s aim is to create a safe environment where individuals can both work and learn. WSAPC takes all E-Safety issues extremely seriously. If you have an E-Safety concern that you would like to report, concerning anything at home or school, then please contact the Head of Centre or Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately.

School's Financial Information

Financial Benchmarking

The School Information (England) Regulations 2020 take effect from 1st January 2021 and require that all maintained schools publish a link on their website to the Government webpage which is dedicated to their school on the schools financial benchmarking service. Please therefore follow this link to the relevant web page for West Sussex Alternative Provision College.

WSAPC Employees Earning Over £100,000 Per Annum

Salary Range

Number of Employees

£110,000- £120,000


SEND Provision

The person responsible for Special Educational Needs at WSAPC is Doug Thomas, Executive Head Teacher The SENDCo is Frankie Myers

Our Pathways Model

SEND Parent Involvement Policy April 2024

SEN Information Report July 2023

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy January 2024

Sports Premium

The Department for Education’s Vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is that ALL pupils leaving primary school are physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

Primary Sports Grant Report 2023-24

Primary Sport Grant Evaluation and Planning 2024_25

Primary Sports Grant Report 2022.23 2023.24

2022 2023 whole school plan

2021-2022 academic year

2020-2021 academic year

2019/2020 academic year.

2018/2019 academic year.

2017/2018 academic year.

2016/2017 academic year.

2015/2016 outline plan

2015/2016 evaluation and plan